Monday, January 19, 2015

Good thing I didn't make any resolutions

It's been 18 days since my last post - opps.  Sometimes life happens and that's all I got.  No excuse for not doing things, my time management is poor and I find myself procrastinating more and more. Okay, okay I'll blame winter.  With that being said, let's get down to business.  My last post was about goals I wanted to reach this year rather than resolutions.  How are you doing with your resolutions or goals?  I hope you fell off the bandwagon too. Great if you kept to them though!  I will go through and tell you about my goals -  maybe you can help me stick to them.
~Believe that anything is possible.
     Final edits for the romance novel I'm co-authoring are taking place.  They will be done by the end of the month and we will publish!  Looking for beta readers to give honest feedback and constructive criticism - let me know if you're interested!
~Start each day with goals
     I make a checklist each day using the notepad on my phone of the top five things I want to accomplish.  Writing them down makes you want to cross those items off more. At least for me I can physically see what I want to do.
~Eat more real food
     I know this means more "whole food" organic blah blah blah - I'm game but I want to eat real food. Experience hibachi, enjoy fresh seafood at the coast. I admit I love food :)
~Buy good books and make time to read them
     I have a book problem, I'll be the first to admit it.  I do own a few books that I feel like I should have read and haven't.  I'm going to set aside time once a month to do that.  I also need to read Black Beauty.  I had to read it for language arts class in 6th grade, for whatever reason I didn't read it I skimmed it.  Even though I was a good bullsh***er, it was the one project I ever received a low grade for.  I think I owe it to myself and Mrs. Dvorsky to actually read it!
~ Drink water
    Of course I drink water don't be silly - but I definitely need to drink more seeing as coffee and tea consumption doesn't really count  - even though they are both made with water.
~Exercise daily even when it sounds like a terrible idea
     I was doing really good taking the dog for a walk every day - even thought that might help curb his bad behavior.  Even the coldest day I was out, but then it snowed and well so much for that who wants to walk in the snow?! The dog would but I always worry about his paws.
~Shop for quality not quantity
     I do a pretty good job of this already.  I don't feel  I have to work on this much.
~Purge the unnecessary and decrease clutter
     One of my favorite activities. I don't do it as much as I should, and it's especially difficult to get others to do this.
~Hug the ones I love
     I do pretty well at this one too - just ask the cat and the dog!
~Find the best in others
     I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and not be so judgemental. Sometimes the shoe just really fits some...
~Show others the best in me
     Pay it forward!  I was so excited when I did this for the first time at Starbucks.  The barista was a little confused - which I thought was odd because I feel like I always hear about this being done at the drive-thrus somewhere.  Nonetheless, I was excited to pay for someone's coffee addiction that wasn't mine!
With this being said - Happy New Year - haha I told you the New Year can be started at any time - and I choose now! PS. Working on fixing the missing pics from the blog. My OCD got the best of my Picasa and my blog pictures vanished - eep!

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